Amsterdam, NL, 14 February 2025
As if you're sending messages to Old Friends...
Without sales-oriented approach...
And trying to improve the functional layers for the matters They are dealing with and the actual content of the matters itself.
So that PEACE & JOYOUS Moments For All People May Be Attained.
Give Attention to what We WISH more of, making Goals of probable, attainable DREAMS:
Creative (Artisan-Way-Of-Life) Jobs, with 'Living Wages' and:
Freelance Approach for beginner knowledge & experience
Solo-/Entrepreneurship for those with advanced knowledge & experience (Companyzer™)
Be participant in at least one Family Project (YourFamilyProject™), as intentional Beneficial Service to The FAMILY.
The Public are FAMILY Members and will be INFINITELY.
(This Biological Physical Universe will not exist forever.)
(not the other way around)
And Earthly legal Companies are a Way for FAMILY Members to Serve FAMILY.
'Owning' a Company is a privilege, granted by (Chamber of Commerce) of Earthly Government for/by The Public FAMILY.
Instead of brainstorming like this: "What may Our/My Company do for The Public FAMILY?", ask/state: "What may The Public FAMILY (in)directly WISH to do via Our/My Company for The Public FAMILY?"
Besides PublicRelayer™, also: YourPublicRelayer™
We're in this together!
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